Faculty and Staff Directory
Phone: 610-372-4721
Name Email Department Room Phone/Ext. Mailbox
Abigail Serrano aserrano@v-lanterna.com FOUNDATION - Foundation Accountant B 309 5018 33
Adam Void avoid@v-lanterna.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4118 40
Adrianne Rafalski (Boice) aboice@v-lanterna.com FOUNDATIONAL STUDIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4208 40
Adrienne Beck ambeck@v-lanterna.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4251 40
Alan Cook acook@v-lanterna.com UPWARD BOUND - Advisor G 554 610-374-0844 or 610-372-4721 x5760 28
Alberto Othuon aothuon@v-lanterna.com FINANCE & ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES - Director of Facilities/Safety & Security B 152 5287 57
Alicia Lazar alazar@v-lanterna.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4258 40
Alicia Fry (LaGrassa) alagrassa@v-lanterna.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4160 30
Allen Cerullo acerullo@v-lanterna.com WORKFORCE - Adjunct Faculty - Mechanical Technology T 102 5325 15
Allison DeStefano adestefano@v-lanterna.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Berks Counseling Center - Licensed Mental Health Counselor B 209 5071 24
Amadou Guisse, PhD aguisse@v-lanterna.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4242 40
Amber Reyes areyes@v-lanterna.com STUDENT AFFAIRS - Student Life Assistant Z 112 5206 14
Anderson Forrest aforrest@v-lanterna.com INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - Director of Information Technology, CIO B 412 610-236-3942 or 3942 16
Andrea Mast amast@v-lanterna.com FOUNDATIONAL STUDIES - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4133 40
Andrea Schaeffer aschaeffer@v-lanterna.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4179 40
Angelica Rojo-Monserrate amonserrate@v-lanterna.com CONTINUING EDUCATION - Student Support Specialist K 304 5702 18
Anh (Emmie) Nguyen anguyen@v-lanterna.com BUSINESS DIVISION - Faculty B 601 4321 30
Ann Isley, PhD aisley@v-lanterna.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4289 40
Anthony DeMarco ademarco@v-lanterna.com FOUNDATION - VP for College Advancement & Executive Director of the Foundation / Executive Director of the Miller Center B 326 6294 33
Anthony Vega avega@v-lanterna.com COMMUNICATIONS, ARTS AND HUMANITIES - Faculty B 605 5090 40
Antoinette Matz amatz@v-lanterna.com STEM DIVISION - Adjunct Faculty B 311 4280 40
Arlene Isardat aisardat@v-lanterna.com UPWARD BOUND - Advisor G 554 610-374-0844 or 610-372-4721 x5760 28
Ashley Walker awalker@v-lanterna.com WORKFORCE - Workforce and Continuing Education - Records Specialist T 215 5320 18
Ask A Librarian library@v-lanterna.com LIBRARY - Library Service Desk Y 207 610-607-6237  
Auria Bradley abradley@v-lanterna.com WORKFORCE - Associate Vice President, Workforce and Continuing Education T 212 5120 18